What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?elementary P.e. Games
Activities are listed below in categories. Activities may be listed in more than one category.
Wolf answers with different times - 'one o'clock' or 'eight o'clock' for instance. 4) The children take that number of steps toward Mr. Wolf - eight steps for eight o'clock, and so on. 5) The children ask again, 'What's the time Mr. And take the right number of steps again, always getting closer to Mr. Here's a pass the ball game with a 'What's the time, Mr Wolf?' Well, really just a werewolf theme. There's only 2 time questions set up, but you can copy and paste more in. It's set up so you can pose the wolf's hands like a Mickey Mouse watch. There's a box set up as a digital clock next to him to avoid confusion.
Activities by category
ALT introduction activities
- Bingo Introduction ES - JHS.
- Introduction Quiz ES - HS.
Adjectives activities
- Hand Jive ES. Dance to Willie and the Hand Jive using adjectives to describe how to dance.
Animals activities
- Animal Chant ES. Chant animals in a circle.
- Animal Cracker ES 1 - 5. Roll dice and make animal sounds.
- Animal Match Finding ES.
- Animals and their sounds (What does the Fox say style) ES - JHS. Teaching the sounds that animals makes
- Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? ES 1 - 3. Read an easy story with colors and animals. Students repeat parts.
- Duck Duck Goose ES. The classic running around a circle game.
- Evolution Game ES. Also known as 'Gokiburi'. Students janken to climb a ladder of animals or emotions.
- Good Pet, Bad Pet ES.
- Pictionary ES - JHS. The classic drawing game.
- River Crossing ES. Students compete by saying colors and animals.
Birthday activities
- Birthday cards ES 5 - 6. Write birthday cards to friends or family.
Body parts activities
- Bodyparts and Newspaper ES. Touch different bodyparts to newspaper, folding the paper in half when slow.
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes ES 1 - JHS 1. The classic song.
- Simon Says ES 1 - JHS 1. Variations on Simon Says and TPR.
- TPR ES 1 - JHS 3.
- The Hokey Pokey ES 1 - 3. Dance to the Hokey Pokey.
Colors activities
- Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? ES 1 - 3. Read an easy story with colors and animals. Students repeat parts.
- Color Touch Game ES 1 - 3. Touch objects of different colors.
- Color matching game ES. Combining color with other taught topics.
- Rainbow tag ES.
Comparing activities
- Dice Game ES 1 - JHS 2. Practice numbers by rolling dice.

Conversation activities

- English Baseball ES. Group game using 'I like ~.' and 'You like ~?'.
Days activities
- Sunday Monday Tuesday ES 3 - JHS 1. Learn days of the week through song.
Demonstrative pronoun activities
- Match It ES 3 - JHS 1. Janken and ask questions to get a matching pair.
- Pictionary ES - JHS. The classic drawing game.
Directions activities
- Find the School Rooms ES 4 - 6. Say and follow directions to rooms in the school.
- Maze Solving ES 3 - 6. Solve mazes in pairs using directions.
- Simon Says ES 1 - JHS 1. Variations on Simon Says and TPR.
- TPR ES 1 - JHS 3.
Emotions activities
- Acting Emotions ES. Act and guess emotions.
- Emotion Charades ES. Team charades game.
- Evolution Game ES. Also known as 'Gokiburi'. Students janken to climb a ladder of animals or emotions.
- Gesture Game ES 1 - 3. The teacher makes a gesture while hidden. Students make their own gesture and guess what it is.
- Greeting Ball ES.
- Happy, Happy, Sad ES 1 - 2.
- How Are You, Mr. Wolf ES 1 - 3. Students ask a wolf how he is and are chased when he's hungry.
- Mr. Potato Head, Happy, Sad, Confused? ES. Make faces on Mr. Potato Head for different emotions.
Food activities
- Bargaining Game ES 3 - 6. Bargain to buy and sell food.
- Color Dice ES 2 - 4. Roll a color and number dice and name that many fruit.
- Cooking class ES 2 - Adult. Cook something.
- Fruit, Please ES 1 - 3. Simple fruit shopping.
- Rainbow tag ES.
General use activities
- Around the World ES 3 - 6. Call out numbers quickly.
- Ball Pass Game ES 1 - 4. Good activity for question response practice.
- Bingo ES 1 - JHS 3. The classic game.
- Card Collecting Game JHS.
- Card Grabbing Race ES 1-3. Grab vocabulary cards off the board when called.
- Chair Race ES 1 - 6. Also knows as 'Crash' or 'Janken Race Game'. Two teams race to say vocabulary words.
- Dice Game ES 1 - JHS 2. Practice numbers by rolling dice.
- English Pong ES - JHS. Beer pong for the classroom.
- Final Fantasy ES 4 - JHS 2. Play janken and ask questions to win lives.
- Fly Swatter Game ES 1 - 6.
- Fruits Basket ES 1 - 3. Students change chairs when their item is called.
- Gesture Game ES 1 - 3. The teacher makes a gesture while hidden. Students make their own gesture and guess what it is.
- Get Down ES 1 - 6. Make a circle, point to a student who ducks, and quiz the neighbors.
- Go Fish ES 2 - JHS 3. The classic card game.
- Janken Card Collecting ES 1 - 6. Play janken and ask questions to win cards.
- Janken Train ES 1 - 4. Students play janken and say a sentence.
- Karuta ES 1 - JHS 3. The classic Japanese card-slapping game.
- Keyword Game ES 1 - 6. Students practice vocabulary by competing to grab the eraser.
- Match Finding ES 1 - JHS 1. Find others with the same card.
- Match It ES 3 - JHS 1. Janken and ask questions to get a matching pair.
- Musical Chairs ES 1 - 3. Walk around a circle and sit when the music stops.
- Nine-Square Mind-Reading Trick JHS. Simple trick to use while demonstrating grammar/vocab.
- Pac-man Review EL 1-3. Listen for vocabulary and avoid being eaten by Pac-man.
- Paper Aeroplanes ES 2 - 6. Students answer questions then try to fly a plane into a basket.
- Rainbow tag ES.
- Red Rover ES.
- Running Relay Race ES.
- Scramble ES.
- What's This? Drawing ES 5. Draw an item on the board one piece at a time. Students guess what it is.
- Word search ES 3 - 6. Search for jumbled words
- Zookeeper ES 1-6.
Greetings activities
- Greeting Gestures ES.
- Hello Circle Game ES. Practice introductions in a circle.
- Hello Goodbye ES 2 - JHS 3. Listen to and sing Hello Goodbye.
- Meet and Greet Your Neighbor ES.
- Picture Finding Game ES.
Gym activities
- Duck Duck Goose ES. The classic running around a circle game.
- Hackeysack game ES.
- Number Tag ES 1 - 2. Teacher calls a number and students make groups of that number or get tagged.
- Rainbow tag ES.
- Red Rover ES.
- Running Relay Race ES.
- Steal the Bacon ES 1 - 3. Students race to grab an eraser when they hear their number.
- What time is it, Mr. Wolf ES 1 - 3. Listen for the time and play tag.
High school activities
- Introduction Quiz ES - HS.
In-school project
- Cooking class ES 2 - Adult. Cook something.
Introduction activities
- Balloon Toss ES.
- Bingo - Self-Intro ES 4 - JHS 1. Self-introduce, sign names, and play Bingo.
- Blind Date ES.
- Collect Signatures ES 3 - JHS 1. Self-introduce and sign names.
- Dice Game ES 1 - JHS 2. Practice numbers by rolling dice.
- Fishing ES.
- Hot Potato ES.
- Janken up the Ladder ES.
- London Bridges Falling Down ES.
- Meishi Card Game ES - JHS 1.
- Murder ES.
- Musical Circles ES.
- Name Symmetry ES.
- Name Tags ES. Practice 'Hello, my name is ~.' and make name tags.
- The 'What's Your Name' Song K 4 - ES 6.
- What's Your Name ES. Students ask each other their name and give fake answers.
Junior high school activities
- Animals and their sounds (What does the Fox say style) ES - JHS. Teaching the sounds that animals makes
- Bean Jar Count ES - JHS 1. Students guess how many beans are in a jar.
- Bingo ES 1 - JHS 3. The classic game.
- Bingo Introduction ES - JHS.
- Buzz ES - JHS 1. Count up without saying certain numbers.
- Card Collecting Game JHS.
- Dice Game ES 1 - JHS 2. Practice numbers by rolling dice.
- English Pong ES - JHS. Beer pong for the classroom.
- Final Fantasy ES 4 - JHS 2. Play janken and ask questions to win lives.
- Go Fish ES 2 - JHS 3. The classic card game.
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes ES 1 - JHS 1. The classic song.
- Hot Potato ES.
- Introduction Quiz ES - HS.
- Karuta ES 1 - JHS 3. The classic Japanese card-slapping game.
- Match It ES 3 - JHS 1. Janken and ask questions to get a matching pair.
- Meishi Card Game ES - JHS 1.
- Nine-Square Mind-Reading Trick JHS. Simple trick to use while demonstrating grammar/vocab.
- Pictionary ES - JHS. The classic drawing game.
- Simon Says ES 1 - JHS 1. Variations on Simon Says and TPR.
- TPR ES 1 - JHS 3.
- The Syllable Game ES 4 - JHS. Listen to words and guess the number of syllables.
- Valentine's wordsearch ES 4 - 6.
Months activities
- Month bowling ES 6. Roll dice and say the month.
Music activities
- ABC song ES. Sing the alphabet song.
- BINGO (song) ES 1 - 3.
- Hand Jive ES. Dance to Willie and the Hand Jive using adjectives to describe how to dance.
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes ES 1 - JHS 1. The classic song.
- Hello Goodbye ES 2 - JHS 3. Listen to and sing Hello Goodbye.
- It's a Small World ES. Sing the famous Disney song.
- Jambo Bwana ES. Sing introduction song in Kenyan, French and English.
- Musical Chairs ES 1 - 3. Walk around a circle and sit when the music stops.
- Musical Circles ES.
- Seven Steps ES 1 - 3. Count and clap to the song Seven Steps.
- Sunday Monday Tuesday ES 3 - JHS 1. Learn days of the week through song.
- The 'What's Your Name' Song K 4 - ES 6.
- The Hokey Pokey ES 1 - 3. Dance to the Hokey Pokey.
Needs to be merged
- Happy, Happy, Sad ES 1 - 2.
Needs work
- Pictionary ES - JHS. The classic drawing game.
Numbers activities
- Around the World ES 3 - 6. Call out numbers quickly.
- Backward Countdown ES 5 - 6. Count backwards for points.
- Bag of Numbers ES.
- Bean Jar Count ES - JHS 1. Students guess how many beans are in a jar.
- Bowling ES 1 - 4. Bowling, keeping score in English.
- Buzz ES - JHS 1. Count up without saying certain numbers.
- Counting Race ES 1 - 3. Groups count as fast as they can.
- Cross out ES 5. Roll die until you get all combinations.
- Dice Game ES 1 - JHS 2. Practice numbers by rolling dice.
- Duck Duck Goose ES. The classic running around a circle game.
- Dynamite Clapping Game ES 1 - 6. Make a circle and count with various rules.
- Fast Tapping Game ES. Tap numbers on backs and write the numbers' romaji.
- Formula Game ES 3 - 5. Form equations that equal a number.
- Four Corners ES 1. Go to corners of different numbers and hope the teacher doesn't choose theirs.
- Guess that Number! (Price is Right) ES. Bring a variety of items in a number bag (backpack), and have students guess in teams the number of each item.
- Hot Potato ES.
- I Doubt It! ES 2 - 4. Card game where you lie about what you're playing.
- Listen and Order ES 1 - 3. Listen to the teacher say numbers out of order and put cards in that order.
- Midnight ES 1 - 3. Students listen for their number and run around a circle.
- Number Guessing Game ES 1 - 3. Students guess how many tokens their partner is holding.
- Number Janken ES 1 - 3. Janken and do actions some number of times.
- Number Line-up ES 5. Call out numbers, students arrange cards on board.
- Number Recognition ES 5. Race to cross out numbers.
- Number Rocket ES 2 - 4. Roll dice and write numbers in order on a rocket.
- Number Sequence ES 5. Say the next number in the sequence.
- Number Tag ES 1 - 2. Teacher calls a number and students make groups of that number or get tagged.
- Otedama Game ES 1 - 2. Beanbags and counting up to 12.
- Pass the Number ES 2 - 6. Listen to music, pass number cards, and answer questions when the music stops.
- Rocket Countdown ES 1 - 2. Count down to 1 and jump.
- Secret Number Game ES 1 - 4. Guess a student's secret number to move the student to your team.
- Seven Steps ES 1 - 3. Count and clap to the song Seven Steps.
- Snake Eyes ES 2. Roll dice to win tokens from the pot.
- Soccer Players ES 5. Drill numbers by holding up cards.
- Speed-Reading ES 5. Read numbers fast.
- Spoons ES 2 - 3. Students trade playing cards until they get a straight.
- Steal the Bacon ES 1 - 3. Students race to grab an eraser when they hear their number.
- The Throne ES 2 - 4. Call numbers and move chairs until one team is sitting on the thrones.
- Tic-Tac-Toe For Numbers ES 2 - 5. Students make pairs to compete in circling and listening.
- Unlucky Number 13 ES 2 - JHS 1. Count up to 13 by 1s, 2s, or 3s, trying not to say 13.
- Wave Making ES 1 - 3. Count up in a circle, making a wave.
- Writing Race ES 4 - 6. Race to write numbers on the board.

Phonics activities
- Match Finding ES 1 - JHS 1. Find others with the same card.
- The Syllable Game ES 4 - JHS. Listen to words and guess the number of syllables.
School rooms activities
- Find the School Rooms ES 4 - 6. Say and follow directions to rooms in the school.
- Maze Solving ES 3 - 6. Solve mazes in pairs using directions.
Shapes activities
- Polygon Tag ES. Play tag where students listen for and run to shapes on the ground.
Sports activities
- Video game ES. Students yell out the name of sports while watching a sports montage.
Thanksgiving activities
- Thanksgiving ES.
Time activities
- Clock Race ES 2 - 4. Students lie on the ground to make different times on a clock.
- Midnight ES 1 - 3. Students listen for their number and run around a circle.
- The Grandfather Clock ES 1 - 3. ALT acts like a grandfather clock. Students listen for the number of gongs.
- Tick Tock ES 1. Read analog clocks and clap the time.
- Time Guessing Game ES 1 - 3. Guess what time the ALT put on his clock.
- What time is it, Mr. Wolf ES 1 - 3. Listen for the time and play tag.
- Writing Race ES 4 - 6. Race to write numbers on the board.
Valentine's day activities
- Spin the bottle ES 5 - 6.
- Valentine's wordsearch ES 4 - 6.
Warm-up activities
- Karuta ES 1 - JHS 3. The classic Japanese card-slapping game.
- Simon Says ES 1 - JHS 1. Variations on Simon Says and TPR.
- TPR ES 1 - JHS 3.
Weather activities
- Weather drawing ES 1 - 3. Draw the weather in different cities.
See also
- Elementary lesson resources.
- Junior high school activities.
- Teaching resources.
External links
- Discovery Education Puzzlemaker. Make word searches and crosswords.
- Englipedia's elementary school page.
- Genki English. Free games and ideas. Materials not free.
- Kids Games. The rules for a lot of fun games.
- Sendai JET Elementary School Page.
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The next fun game in our Group Games for Kids series is a common, collaborative game that is played regularly with young children in Australia – here’s how to play What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?
How to Play What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?
Number of players: 2+
Recommended Age: 3+ years
Equipment needed: None
To play:
One child is chosen to be Mr (or Mrs) Wolf. He stands a good distance (3+ metres) away from the other players with his back to them.
The other players stand side by side in a line, facing Mr Wolf’s back. All together they call, “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?”
Mr Wolf responds by selecting and calling out an o’clock time (between 1 and 12).
The other players take the required number of steps towards Mr Wolf. For example, “3 o’clock,” would mean the players take three steps towards Mr Wolf.
These two actions are repeated resulting in the other players moving closer and closer to Mr Wolf.
When Mr Wolf is ready (usually when the other players are getting close), he changes his response to the question, “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?” to “Dinnertime!”
At this cue, all of the players must turn around and race back to the starting position with Mr Wolf chasing after them to try and catch his dinner. The player who is caught becomes the next Mr Wolf and the game continues.